~:.Hello My Friends.:~ It's been a while eh? Since my last post.
Since my last post, I have successfully moved from Edmonton, AB to Ottawa.
Jeremie has found work and I am apartment hunting! I'm pretty excited about that, and am very much looking forward to my own place again.
I had a lovely birthday since.
I received stationary from my brother and his fiancee, a vintage paper-doll catalogue from my sister and her husband, my favourite Lilac-scented perfume from my parents, and "The Green Bible" from my darling husband.
To top it all off, we went skating on the world's longest skating rink - The Rideau Canal. It was freezing and windy, but we happily sat at a picnic table in -13 degree weather eating Beaver tails and Poutine like the good Canadians we are!
In other news, I am desperately trying to grow out my hair.
My husband loves long hair, but since dating me, I have never had longer than mid-neck length.
The reason being that growing out my hair drives me crazy, and I always end up just chopping it off again!
So I got a perm to help me through that 'shaggy' stage.
Pistachio Dessert
1 day ago